Recent Work

Recent Work

At Lilac, we have experience across multiple industries in both the public and private sector. We have worked with a range of clients including large blue-chip professional services, IT, the police, civil service, retail, marketing, law and utilities and much more.


  • Our coaching enabled the leader of a private health organisation to adapt her style for a new role, creating increased resilience and more significant personal presence and impact.
  • Our workshops focusing on communication skills, feedback and working styles developed upskilling interventions for middle manager solicitors. Participants recognised current preferences and learnt how to adjust to become more effective personally, within a team and with clients.
  • Our coaching developed a female senior executive’s leadership style and approach within a male-dominated technology environment that successfully influenced peers and stakeholders.
  • Our diagnosis, design and delivery of a team development journey in a professional services organisation transformed the team from silo working and deep mistrust, to improved team alignment around goals and increased productivity.
  • Our leadership development programmes have changed leaders behaviour from command and control to a more empowering approach.

    Some of the organisations we have worked with